Saturday, October 12, 2013

We're Doing Something Crazy

Picture a wooded spot, a sun dappled clearing, a tin roof in the rain and a cool breeze blowing through open windows.  That spot is my happy place.

We work so hard to try to make a little time and money to visit that place.  But we really suck at it. Theoretically I know how to manage money: spend less than you make.  Don't use credit cards.  Buy with cash.  Minimize expenses, maximize income.  MAKE MONEY GOOD. SPEND MONEY BAD.  But instead we just keep finding ourselves behind the 8 ball.

And we spend most weekends alternating between frantically cleaning and actively trying to rest, to soak in the relaxation so we have the reserves to face another week.  Dishes, laundry, cook something, o.k. now clean it up! Clean a bathroom! Oh crap run to the store to get a thing to fix a thing that broke! Where's that one thing I need? Crap, it's buried under all this stuff I don't need.

I want things simple.  I want a little place for me and my family to be happy together.  I want a home base to find out want we really want, instead of just mindlessly chasing what modern American culture says we should want.  I want my kids to know that many things does not equal much happiness.

After a lot of research and discussion, Mark and I decided to try extreme downsizing.  We planned to buy an older RV, make it livable, and move our family in to live rent free for 12 months.

As luck would have it, my mom has been looking for an RV to buy for some time, so when we approached her about borrowing $2,000 for our rig, she countered with s proposal of her own.  My mom bought herself a used RV for us to live in, after a year she will move in and take it with her on the road, since she works all over the country for months at a time.

So I told the landlord we won't be renewing our lease and there is a FOR RENT sign in our yard.  I cancelled the utilities.  I requested change of address forms.

And we started getting rid of stuff: store, sell, donate, trash.  It's gonna take a lot of downsizing to get all four of us in here.

But when I sit in the rig, with the windows open, and the kids giggling outside, it feels right.  It feels like we might be on to something special.

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