Monday, October 14, 2013

Egad! My Couch is Gone!!

Oh crap!  I just sold our couch!  I sold a full size bed last week, and a pair of dressers last night.  Later this week my aunt is taking the computer desk I'm typing this post on.  Part of me feels liberated as the stuff we don't use gets cleared away.  But part of me feels panic!

I wish I had a better picture of what our lives will look like in 6 months.  Than maybe I wouldn't be pacing my living room hyperventilating about selling the ugly couch with a giant tear in the faux finish and cat scratches up the back corner.  If I could look into the future and see that the $6,000 of saved rent/utilities has materialized...

Although, crap, if my seasonal job is only going to pay me about $1,000 a month, and Mark only brings home about $1,000 a month after health insurance, and our monthly expenses are roughly $2,000 (not including childcare) - there won't be savings, it will still just be breaking even.

Which is better than what we're doing right now, which is not breaking even.  And I'm continuing to apply for paralegal positions that will get me back to making closer to $2,000/month.  And Mark had an interview recently that we are waiting to hear back on.  And maybe if I get an office job I could keep my seasonal job too, then we could stash some cash for a few months.

Holy cow, we have no couch!  The couch was ugly, but it was the thing we sat on.  What will we sit on between now and when we move into the rig?  A week of lawn furniture and bean bags chairs!

And there is just more stuff to go.  I need to drag the bookcase, side table, file cabinet and desk out of my office and list those.  I need to pull the dresser out of Will's room and photograph it.  Once we move our clothes into the rig I can photograph the dining room table and chairs, since they are currently holding all of the clothes we will be bringing with us.  And the kitchen table and chairs need to be scrubbed, photographed and posted.  And then the broken dresser in our room needs to be taken to the curb, and the blue recliner in the living room needs to hauled out next to it.  The TV goes back to Mom, and the beds need a place found for them. And that doesn't even include the garage.  There are boxes of photos, and Christmas ornaments, piles of baby gear and a truck load of random crap Mark hoards.  All of it has to be sorted, sold, or stored.

I hope I'm reducing our weight so that we can fly...

...and not just dismantling the plane that's keeping us airborn.

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